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Arrangements & Orchestrations for Adult Voices and Orchestra and / or Organ

The arrangements and orchestrations below are designed with adult singers/choirs (or even an audience!) in mind. The festive pieces have appeared regularly in Christmas concerts throughout the UK with others appearing in 'Proms in the Park' type events, or on recordings. 


For more information please contact me here.


  • A Young Austrian,  Austrian cumulative song  arr. Doughty (great with audiences too!)
    Instrumentation:  2222.2210.SnDrTriWhistleCabasa.Timps.Str

  • ​Canan nan Gaidheal, (PDF) (MP3) Murdo Macfarlane arr. Doughty;
    Instrumentation:  2Picc222.4231.T.Hp.SATB.Str

    Performed at Proms in the Park 2008 and the launch of BBC Alba;

  • Go, tell it on the mountain, Spiritual arr. Doughty
    Instrumentation:  2Picc222.4230.SusCymGlock.T.UVoice.Str

  • Hark! the herald angels sing (mp3), Mendelssohn arr. Doughty
    Instrumentation:  2222.4230.SnDrCymTri.Timps.SATB.Str

  • I heard the bells (Orchestral version PDF), Stephen Doughty
    Instrumentation:  2222.2000.TambGlock.Timps.SATB.Strings. Also available for SATB & Organ (PDF)

  • I saw three ships, (PDF) Trad arr. Doughty; intended with Audience response
    Instrumentation: 2222.2000.Perc(GlockTriSusCymCymbalsSnDr)Timps.UniVoices.Str

  • Mary had a baby,  (PDF) Spiritual arr. Doughty
    Instrumentation:  2222.2231.TimpsPerc(CrashCymSnDrTambGlock)UniVoices.Str
    See also version for Young voices and Piano
    here; Voices and Organ here.

  • O whistle an I'll come to ye, Ken Johnson
    Instrumentation:  1+Picc222.2230.3PtUpperVoices.Str

  • Panis angelicus (MP3), Cesar Frank arr. Doughty
    Instrumentation:  Voice(2pt).Hp.Str. Available In F, G and A major 

  • Personet Hodie, German 1360, harm. Holst, orch. Doughty
    Instrumentation: Picc.2222Contra.4231.Perc(SnDrTriClashCymGlock).Timps.Voices.Str

  • Twelve Days of Christmas, The, Traditional arr. Doughty
    Instrumentation:  2222.3230.SnDrCymTriCast.Timps.Hp.Str.
    'Full' and 'simpler' versions for when the piece is unconducted are available

  • Virgin Mary had a baby boy, The,  Spiritual arr. Doughty  (Also available for Unison voices & Organ)
    Instrumentation;  2Picc222.4230.MaraccasCymSnDrTambTriGlock.T.UVoice.Str. 

  • Let it snow! A Christmas medley arr. Doughty
    Instrumentation:  3 Trp, Hrn, Trom, Tuba, SATB, Also available in its original version for SATB and Piano

"a flair for deft and defined instrumentation..."

Culture in Northern Ireland


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